Removal of bibs
The removal of bibs will take place ( attention the place was changed last year ) at the Palais des Sports « Paul Olombel « the entrance of which is situated avenue Sanguet 62520 Le Touquet.
Click here to download a map with the localization of the Palais des Sports
ATTENTION : The room will be closed at 4.00 pm
ADVICE: Take your precautions ! Given the traffic problems, it is advisable to join Le Touquet a few hours before. This will allow you to take advantage of our beautiful city while waiting for the departure of the race.
If you cannot arrive before 4.00 pm, ask a friend to remove your bib. By giving us a copy of his identity card or yours, we will give him your bib
An envelope containing a chip is attached to the bib. Follow this instructions and fasten the chip to your shoe.This allows electronic timing as soon as you cross the starting line and delivers your time on arrival.
ATTENTION do not forget to give it back after crossing the finish line.
Volunteers will help you to remove the chip. Thank you to welcome them despite the fatigue.